Here we conduct a collaboration to assess the potential contributions of wiki to aspects of production of and in commons, in a context of DisCOs (Distributed Cooperative Organisations). This includes **skillsets** in the collaboration, accounting for work **contributions** in commons production, the production of mutual **awareness** among DisCO members, skilful curating and governance in **commons**, the management of **pattern language**, and a **pod-based** design practice for a commons engine.
A number of pre-existing strands of capability and collaboration underlie this present collaboration. We describe them here, and the skills and perspectives that they contribute to building an engine for commons production.
DisCO employs a necessarily complex scheme for the accounting and valuation of work contributions of several distinct and significant kinds. Here we describe the possible affordances of wiki for this ongoing practice of recognising and valuing contributions.
A tacit capability of federated wiki is that it can be mobilised by skilled user-writers as an ‘awareness engine’. Here we develop our understanding of that capability, and of the gains to be made by DisCO workers, through awareness of significant events and patterns, as distinct from (and in relation to) the computation of value metrics.
Production in the commons, and literacy in commoning, are pivotal aspects of making the living economy; also, basic intentions of DisCO practice. Here we clarify how wiki may be mobilised as a means of contributing to literacy and capability in commoning: the stewarding, curating and enjoying of commons of diverse kinds.
Here we clarify how Valueflows/REA can be applied as an operational means of managing a commons of pattern-descriptions, and how wiki tools can facilitate the deploying and producing of pattern language in making the living economy.
Here we clarify intentions, and contributions to a pod for designing a commons engine that exploits the affordances of wiki and REA/valueflows.